Implement Mandatory Staff Training to Develop LGBTQ+ Healthcare Competence and Confidence

LGBTQ+ Workplace Training and Self-Learning Modules


Many healthcare organizations do not necessarily know how to start building more inclusive spaces. Often this is because healthcare providers and staff are not well equipped with tools to effectively communicate or begin conversations about LGBTQ+ inclusion. 

To overcome these barriers and create an inclusive professional environment, all staff members (from healthcare providers to clerical administrators) should undergo foundational training to better understand the complexities, intersectionalities, and the adversities LGBTQ+ individuals have faced.

There are many ways to obtain training directed at healthcare and social service providers. The following resources offer ways to consult with LGBTQ+ informed providers who provide skills development and organizational training to promote systemic change. 

There are also self-guided modules that can be completed to enhance your continued professional development when caring for LGBTQ+ individuals. Together, we strive to promote LGBTQ+ care with dignity and dialogue. Afterall, pride is good for your health!

LGBTQ+ Healthcare & Social Service Provider Training:

LGBTQ+ Staff Training:

Pride At Work Canada.jpg

🔗 The 519 Education and Training Services

Book a free consultation to build a custom 519 training program for your team.

Self-Directed Training Modules:


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